Saturday, April 12, 2008

Maria Duval scam

People post about her in 2006 - ...And she still exists. Now is 2008... "She" bombards my mail-box with her offers. I didn't answer one, but it just doesn't stop. Of course, I don't believe her, but I'm worried about people who can be caught on it and send her money in hope to return more... Who can believe that one can win money next month if to pay "maria duval" some money for something "she" "does"...And "she" asks to do it "in secret" that is very suspecious to me. And her "free reading" is not reading but advertisement of what she is going to give you if you pay her... I saw something like this in other places - it is the way for them to get your money... So "famous" and "honoured" person fills our mail-boxes with scam asking to send her 50$ and even more ($300 for some "services"). Why does so respected in higher society person ask you to send her some money? Because it is "her" business how "she" makes money... Because she doesn't exist in reality, but somebody works under her name. People, do not get caught on her letters! In her efforts to predict something for me to get my attention"she" wrote just nonsense. And more mails she sends me, more it irritates me and more I want to bring all her letters to some specific place who would find who makes money in Canada on this scam...